After a couple of questions about weapons and specifically about what weapons you can buy. Since we're using T5 for combat, we might as well use T5 weapons and armor also. In true T5 form however, these are not exactly straightforward. The T5 rulebook doesn't give you a nice list of items you can buy like the other manuals, but instead gives you a set of "gunmaker" and "armormaker" rules which you can use to create custom weapons and armor. Thorough? yes. Interesting? yes. Complicated? Also yes.
However....someone clever has built an online tool that makes generating weapons and armor much easier. The link is below, but before you go charging off to look at it here are few notes on T5 weapons:
Weapons have ID codes kind of like the UPP for characters and the UWP for planets. The code describes the weapon in terms of a few key characteristics. These are:
Weapon Stage - The developmental stage of the weapon (early model, late model, etc.)
Weapon Burden - The mass and/or bulk of the weapon (heavy, light, bulky, etc.)
Descriptor - The purpose, size or type of injury the weapon does (bullet, laser, flash, etc.)
Type - Weapon type (rifle, pistol, launcher, heavy "gun", etc.)
User - The type of user the weapon was designed for (human, alien etc. all human in our case)
Portability - The relative size of the weapon
Tech level - The weapon tech level
The online weapon maker will let you select "Stage", "Burden", "Type" and "Descriptor" then automagically generate all the other stats including damage, range, mass and even cost in credits.
Note that while it varies from planet to planet within the Traveller Universe (UWP "law level"), characters aren't generally allowed to buy and own "heavy barrel" or military grade weapons, and also not generally allowed to carry weapons around in the open. Doesn't mean you can't get them off the black market (once you've made the connections) or snag them off dead foes, but when starting out the characters will have access to basic weapon types (this'll also give us a chance to exercise the combat rules before getting out the plasma grenade launchers).
That said, when selecting weapons with the "gunmaker" the following limits apply:
Stage - (Blank), Basic, Early, Improved, Std
Burden - (Blank), Body, Lt, Med, Snub and Mag (for Pistol only)
Type - Pistol, Rifle, Carbine, Shotgun, Matchlock, Flintlock
Descriptor - Rifle: ((Blank), Hunting, or Survival), Pistol: ((Blank)), Shotgun: ((Blank), or Hunting)
These are described in more detail below.
Now here's the link:
You have to select the "GunMaker" tab first. The pull down menus are untitled but here they are for you.
Stage - Burden - "Big Gun" - Type: Descriptor - Type
Leave the "Big Gun" selection blank (this is for over sized weapons), then select according to the limits above. Note that you have make the "Type" agree with the "Type:" in the "Descriptor" pull down (i.e. if "Type" = "Rifle" then "Descriptor" = "Rifle: [something]"). Also note that "Revolvers" and "Matchlocks" are pistols and "Carbine" is a rifle. I don't know why they did the menus that way.
When you make your selection, all the weapon's stats will show up in the text box below including mass and cost in credits. Just copy all that stuff to your character sheet. And don't worry, better weapons will be coming soon once we sort out combat and armor.
Weapon Types:
Guns - Relatively large projectile or energy firing weapon, specifically for military purposes (includes cannons and Gatlings)
Rifles - Long arms used by soldiers and sportsmen (includes Carbine)
Pistols - Personal handgun (includes Revolver)
Shotguns - Long arm for shooting blast of pellets at short range
Machineguns - Military weapon firing multiple bursts with a single trigger pull
Projectors - Weapon which utilizes non traditional technology
Designators - Device used to mark or illuminate targets for other guided weapons
Launchers - Device which ejects or launches projectiles (self-propelled or otherwise, includes missile and grenade launchers)
Weapon Descriptors (specific mechanism, purpose or effect):
None/Blank - no modification or effect
Accelerator - Weapon fires projectile that accelerates after leaving the barrel. Low recoil, good for Zero-G.
Acid - Weapon discharges Acid
Anti-Flyer Missile - Weapon launches guided anti-flyer (low alt aircraft) missle
Anti-Flyer - Anti-Flyer (aircraft) weapon using higher rate of fire (RoF) (e.g. Flak gun or Gatling AA)
Anti-Tank - Weapon intended to be used against heavily armored vehicles (non self-propelled projectile)
Anti-Tank Missle - Weapon intended to be used against heavily armored vehicles (self-propelled projectile)
Battle - Weapon designed for battlefield use by soldiers, Long Range
Combat - Weapon designed for battlefield use by soliders, medium range, explosive projectiles
Dart - Weapon fires small injector projectile which, on contact, injects Tranq dose to target
EMP - Weapon fires directed Electromagnetic Pulse which affects un-shielded electronics
Fire - Weapon fires or projects flames for fire at target (i.e. flame thrower)
Flash - Weapon discharges bright flash of light, blinding effect
Freeze - Weapon induces entropic effect removing heat from target
Fusion - Weapon superheats hydrogen fuel to plasma state and fires at target (significant recoil)
Gauss - Weapon electromagnetically accelerates thin spin stabilized projectile
Grav - Weapon projects high frequency gravitic effect stressing internal structure of target
Grenade - Weapon fires explosive, non-self-propelled, projectile
Hunting - Weapon adapted for game hunting
Laser - Weapon fires coherent beam of photons at target
Mag - Weapon projects high frequency magnetic effect on target, effects electronics, disorientation effect on organics
Missile - Weapon fires self-propelled projectile (missile)
Plasma - Same as Fusion but shorter range
Poison Dart - Weapon fires small poison injector at target
Poison Gas - Weapon discharges poisonous gas
Rad - Weapon projects radiation effects at target
RAM Grenade - Weapon fires explosive projectile with extended range
Rocket - Weapon launches un-guided rocket
Shock - Weapon applies electric shock to target
Sonic - Weapon projects sound-based effect at target
Splat - Weapon is multi-barrel loaded with "shot" or shrapnel ammo (e.g. shotgun)
Stench - Weapon projects noxious odor effect at target
Sub - Weapon uses smaller than usual ammo and is lighter (e.g. sub-machinegun)
Survival - Weapon is adapted to survival situations
Weapon Burden:
None/Blank - No burden effects (standard)
Heavy - Weapon is significantly heavier than standard weapon
Light - Weapon is significantly lighter than standard weapon
Magnum - Weapon is heavier than standard (pistols and revolvers only)
Medium - Same as None
Recoilless - Weapon has no recoil and is adapted to Zero-G environments
Snub - Weapon is easy to carry and operate, but reduced range
VHeavy - Weapon is very heavy but longer range and more damage
VLight - Weapon is very light but reduced range/damage
VRF - Weapon has very rapid fire
Weapon Stage: (effects based on technological cycle)
None/Blank - No effects based on stage
Advanced - Weapon is significantly better than standard. Increased damage.
Alternate - Weapon uses alternate technology to achieve effects
Basic - Weapon is stripped down design with greater weight but reduced cost
Early - Weapon is preliminary design available through mass production but still some flaws
Experimental - Weapon is hand made test model
Improved - Weapon has minor improvements
Modified - Weapon features improvements
Ultimate - Weapon is best possible for type
Precision - Improved probability to hit location
Prototype - Weapon is hand made
Remote - Weapon is emplaced and remotely operated
Sniper - Weapon is optimized for accuracy (rifles only)
Standard - Same as None
Target - Weapon is optimized for accuracy (rifles and pistols)